"The Georgia Master Gardener Volunteer Program is an educational program offered through county offices of the Georgia Cooperative Extension Service. Through this program, individuals are trained and certified in horticulture and related areas. These individuals, in turn, volunteer their expertise and services, under the direction of their County Extension Agent, to help others through horticultural projects that benefit the community. Master Gardeners bring the latest horticultural information and practices from the world of research to their communities’ landscapes and gardens. Through the Master Gardener program, thousands of people in the United States and Canada have been trained as volunteers."
In partnership with the Extension Services in Coweta, Douglas, Polk, Haralson, and Paulding counties, the Carroll County Extension Service offers an annual area Master Gardener training program. A limited number of applicants are accepted into the program. Selection is based on individual ability and compatibility with the Extension Program.
Those accepted into the program receive 40 hours of training by specialists from The University of Georgia, Extension agents, and other landscaping and horticulture specialists and be provided with various materials and a 541-page Georgia Master Gardener Handbook. The training program covers the basics of horticulture: soil structure, plant nutrition, plant physiology, and entomology, and such topics as plant selection; water wise landscaping; planting and maintaining turf, ornamentals, and fruit, and urban trees; plant identification; vegetable gardening; composting; and organic and specialty gardening.
In addition to satisfactorily completing this training program, Master Gardener certification requires 50 hours of volunteer service annually.
If you have questions about lawns, home gardens, fruit trees or ornamental plants in your landscape, send them to "Ask the Master Gardener" at Your questions will be answered by a Carroll County, Georgia Master Gardener.
If you are interested in learning about and possibly joining the National Wildlife Federation's Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program click here.
Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 6:30 PM, Ag Center, Carrollton, GA
Love gardening but don't have time to take the course and become a Master Gardener?
Become a friend of Master Gardeners and participate in all our activities!
The Carroll County Master Gardener Association awards monies to fund horticultural projects in Carroll County. Generally, grant awards usually range from $100.00-$1500.00.
Click here to see instructions for applying for a grant and a form to fill out to apply for one.
Click here for an ag history lesson for your students.
Sources of Turfgrass
Information The Carroll County Extension Service
is located at If you have questions about
lawns, home gardens, fruit trees or ornamental plants in your landscape, send
them to "Ask the Master Gardener" at Your questions will be
answered by a Carroll County, Georgia Master Gardener. Local Information The content and opinions expressed on this
web page do not necessarily reflect the views of nor are they endorsed by the
University of Georgia or the University System of Georgia. The Carroll County
Extension Service is a program of the University of Georgia. Carole E.